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IPL permanent hair removal using photolysis

Hair removal can feel like an arduous beauty chore, but Laser Hair Removal offers a convenient alternative to the hassle of regular shaving and waxing, with a single course of treatment providing patients with a permanent reduction in unwanted hair growth.
In fact, statistics show as much as 95% of the hair targeted by a course of Laser Treatments is permanently removed. So you'll never be caught out by a stubbly shin or fuzzy underarm again! Not to mention Laser Hair Removal is an effective treatment for ingrown hairs, leaving you to enjoy smooth, hairless skin year round.
Why choose us for IPL skin rejuvenation in Bristol?
Our skilled practitioners hold Luminate Advanced Certification and have at least 12 months' experience in using the leading Lynton IPL system. During your initial consultation your practitioner will talk to you about the issues that concern you the most, and offer a suitable treatment package to achieve optimal results.
How does IPL skin rejuvenation work?
IPL systems release precisely-controlled short pulses of filtered light that stimulate the fibroblast cells within the skin that produce collagen and elastin. As a result, the quality, texture, colour and health of the skin improves.
What does the treatment process involve?
The skin is cleansed, and we may advise you to have a microdermabrasion treatment before we carry out IPL. A cool gel is applied to the treatment area; eye protection is provided; and the light applicator is then placed onto the skin. A short pulse of light is released and the light applicator is moved around the treatment area. Afterwards, the gel is removed and the area is cooled. Each treatment session will take about 30 to 45 minutes, depending on whether or not you opt to include a microdermabrasion treatment beforehand.
Is the treatment painful?
Most clients describe the treatment as mildly uncomfortable, similar to a quick pin prick, and you will not need any anaesthetic.
What should I expect after treatment?
It is normal to experience some redness and a slight warming sensation after treatment, although this usually disappears within a few hours. There may be some darkening of pigmented areas before you see an improvement. You should experience a tightening and rejuvenation of the skin over the following months as new collagen is produced.
How many treatments will I need?
Treatments are carried out every two to three weeks, and a course of six IPL sessions is recommended to achieve optimal results. Top-up sessions can be booked as required – typically just once or twice a year.

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